The Road to Fox Hollow Ebook


by W.C. “Bill” Leikam
Release date: January 26, 2022
ISBN 978-1-955690-07-2

Bill Leikam, known as the Fox Guy, shares his journey with gray foxes in San Francisco Bay's Fox Hollow. Through daily vigils, he builds trust with the wild foxes, revealing their unique behaviors and personalities. As a leading authority, he presents his experiences in this book—a story of life, death, growth, and loss among the Baylands' gray foxes.

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About the Author

Science has been an important thread throughout Bill’s life. Among other endeavors, and based on his research into the nature of consciousness, he was selected as a member of a US Delegation to the Peoples Republic of China in 1981. Bill Leikam conducts unprecedented research on the behavior of the gray fox. He is an Associate Director for Guadalupe-Coyote Resource Conservation District. Eight years ago, Bill began documenting, photographing and researching the behavior of the gray fox. This study resulted in the development of the Urban Wildlife Research Project, a 501 C3 nonprofit corporation. He introduced his work to videographer and naturalist Greg Kerekes and welcomed him on board to join in with the research. They are dedicated to developing viable habitat and connectivity corridors for the gray fox and other wildlife living to the east of Highway 101 and the shore of the San Francisco Bay. Their work has attracted a good deal of attention by the press. They give highly acclaimed presentations about their work to corporate, private, and an array of wildlife organizations.

  • When Bill Leikam (aka the Fox Guy) first discovered the presence of gray foxes along San Francisco Bay, he decided to take up a daily vigil in a place he would come to call Fox Hollow. Returning day after day, he found himself consumed by the need to know more about those special "brush dogs." Though they remained wild, the foxes learned to trust Bill's gentle presence, which afforded him the opportunity to see their unique behaviors—what he calls their individual "foxinalities." Today, Bill is the world's leading authority on the gray fox. This book is an account of his experiences among the gray foxes of the Baylands, a tale of life and death, of growth and loss. Stay for a while and go exploring with the Fox Guy.

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